Faridabad(standard news/manoj bhardwaj) …Reduce, Recycle and Reuse to earn Profits and enhance Productivity – said Mr. J.P. Malhotra, President Haryana State Productivity Council in his welcome address at National Productivity Week Celebrations on 18th February 2017 by HSPC. To cherish the dream of Hon’ble Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi to Make in India – ZED, the first Indian acronym in QC terminology, Zero Defect Zero Effect Certification needs to be adopted by MSME and large units.Chief Guest Dr. H.K Batra, President FCCI said that Productivity results in cost reduction and improves market penetration. To be competitive, the industry must put a system of Quality Improvement, Cost Reduction, and Delivery in Time. It would reduce inventory and rejections. Waste reduction ultimately enhances Profits of the company. Employees and Employers stand to gain besides all the stakeholders.Sh. Ajay Pal Duddy, Dy. Labour Commissioner emphasized that companies should aim at accident prevention and adopt adequate labour welfare measures which act as stimulant to increased employee participation and productivity.Sh. G.C. Narang, Imm. Past President HSPC congratulated all present on the celebrations so well organised by Mr. J.P. Malhotra and his Team. This is third year in succession that the event has been deftly organised Mr. J.P. Malhotra outlined the weeklong activities of the Productivity Week Celebrations – Slogan Competition, Productivity Talk on Radio Manav Rachna. Distribution of Safety Posters for companies to display in the workplace would be a constant reminder to employees at all levels. A well attended Seminar on ZED in association with All India Management Association and Workshop on Productivity – QCD in Hindi was attended by 43 middle level QC and Supervision. A Special Issue of Haryana Productivity News to mark the celebrations was released by Hon’ble Guests. Sh. Sanjay Goyal, GM SIDBI, Jury for Slogan Competition observed that such programmes result in awareness amongst the employees. He appreciated the Quality of Slogans received and suggested that such competitions should be made regular affair and top slogans should be well publicized amongst MSMEs. He assured all support from SIDBI for the cause and concern of Profits through Productivity.Sh. H.L. Bhutani, Sr. Vice President HSPC in his closing remarks gave an overview of what HSPC has been working hard in last couple of years to spread Productivity Movement message. He thanked the management of organisations who regularly deputed their employees for Training Seminars and Workshops.Mr. Bechu Giri, Gen. Secretary proposed Vote of Thanks. He exhorted increased level of healthy relationships between Management and Unions if the country has to achieve its goals of Make in India and job opportunities for the employable youth.For the First time, HSPC conferred Productivity Awards 2017 in manufacturing sector to Sh. Shyam Prakash, Ess Gee Industries for its contribution to Productivity resulting in employment generation to 500 people directly especially women at 5 locations across country. Dr. P.P. Mittal FIE, A-Z Energy Engineers Pvt. Ltd. was presented Productivity Award 2017 in Energy Sector. Dr. Mittal has made 770 interventions and energy audits in the last 5 years covering PSUs, Hospitals, MSMEs, Bijli Boards, Institutions and Colleges and Schools.Sh. J.P. Malhotra thanked Presidents/Secretaries of FCCI, LUB, IEI, MAF, FIMTIA and DLF in making the HSPC programme successful. Prominent amongst those present were S/Sh. M.P. Rungta, Vijay Raghavan, K.K. Nangia, J.C. Ahlawat, Kuldeep Singh, S.K. Batra, Ravi Jindal, P.J. Sarna, Subhash Chander, Ramnik Prabhakar, Rishi Tyagi, Ravi Bhushan Khatri, J.P. Singh, Sandeep Handa, K.K Narula, Subhash Gupta, Sanjeev Khanna, Escorts, H.S. Malik, Shailendra, Kumud Jacob Lugun, DD NPC, Sanjay Wadhawan, D.K. Bhatia, R.N. Singh, J.P. Tripathi, Rishi Dwivedi, Dy. GM SIDBI, S.K. Dilbagi, Head BIS Faridabad.