Faridabad(Standard News on line news portal/manoj bhardwaj)… DPS Ballabgarh started its first session in the year 2014. As a young institution, we had to make our students and staff “DIPSITES”, so we reinforced the value system for which THE DPS stands.From the very first year of our school’s inception our students participated and won several laurels in inter DPS International level, State level and National level adding golden feathers in the History of the School.We are backed with the very strong management support which has helped us to rise high day by day. Mr. S.P. Lall, Pro-Vice-Chairman, has been a far-sighted visionary & a hard core academician, which has helped us to take effective steps to walk the path of progression.We are making sincere efforts to impart “The Education For Life” by gearing up “Peace Education” being the need of hour with brain storming credential knowledge to inspire students putting their vital energies positively for their well being and bright future. Also we attempt to groom students into ideal virtues, civic senses for human accomplishment like: talking, walking, smiling, studying, sharing, caring, charity, selflessness, and finer values like truth, non-violence, love, honesty, dutifulness and time consciousness, practicing – stress free and joyful life, healthy system, fair competitive spirit etc. so that they are in peace and in harmony with all they come in contact with and eliminate the tendencies of violence within.With the thoughtful leadership we interpret things visualize, concretize, through diverse medium to correctly reach our students, parents and society.We are blessed with excellent team of innovative educators and counsellors with professional competency inculcating confidence, self expression, fearlessness, without confusions and marching ahead with certainty nurturing ‘Young Brave Hearts’ and making them understand life in harmony.Our children are good footballers, rappers, dancers, orators, intellectually working with Robotics, Abacus, Vedic Mathematics, Olympiads, volunteers for peace rallies-selfless motives while soaring heights in global education.
We wish our students to:
• Learn everyday and not to delay learning.
• Have blast while fun moments.
• Be multi – dimensional, tasking and diverse with stability.
• Apply inquisitive attitude.
• Be ambitious for own’s development.
• Not to set boundaries for own self and extent as best as you can.
“With harnessed skills and great positive attitude surely you will have fantabulous place on this Earth.