Faridabad(standard news/manoj bhardwaj) Compliance of Labour Laws is an important key to productivity and saves the organisation from avoidable time wastage and hassles – said Mr. J.P. Malhotra, President Haryana State Productivity Council at the inauguration of Full Day Workshop on Labour Laws – What a Supervisor Should Know organised by Haryana State Productivity Council, Faridabad on 5th May . He advised the participants that each sectional head whether it is HR/Personnel/Shop Floor should be equipped with basic knowledge of what is expected out of him as per Labour Laws and must strive to ensure that requirement of Law as on date is complied with. Ignorance of Law is no excuse. He added that it does not cost the organisation huge resources to meet and adhere the laws. Mr. J.P. Malhotra at the same time made an appeal to the Govt. of Haryana and Central Govt. to reduce the number laws, make them simple by removing draconian provisions to motivate the employers to comply.In his presentation, Sh. S. Biswas, RD ESIC advised the organisation about the enhanced limit of coverage and comply with the registration of employees and renewed ESIC’s commitment to provide medical aid to each IP. Mr. Sushant Khandwal from RPFC informed that digital information and returns have improved the efficiency of claim disbursements. Sh. H.S. Malik, Chairman Child Welfare Committee apprised the audience of JJ Act where Industry cannot employ persons below the age of 14 for Industrial Work. Sh. Anil Choudhary, Deptt. of Industries informed about Invest Haryana Portal of Govt. of Haryana whereby the Industry can take advantage of Single Roof Clearance/apply for all departments related to the project. Sh. Anil Choudhary appreciated the quality of seminars organised by HSPC and informed about the schemes of Govt. of Haryana for ease of doing business.In his opening remarks, Sh. H.L. Bhutani welcomed the participants and thanked the organisations to nominate their senior executives. Sh. G.C. Narang, Imm. Past President proposed Vote of Thanks. Prominent amongst those present were S/Sh. Sanjay Wadhawan, KK Nangia, DP Jindal, P.K. Singh, Sachin Arora, Kuldip Singh, Sandeep Makkar of Lingaya’s University, J.R. Sharma.The Workshop was addressed by Sh. Sumit Sheoron, AD Indl. Safety & Health, Mr. Brijesh Mangla, RDAT NAPS, Mr. Nadeem Ahmed and Mr. Sushant Khandwal, EPFO, Mr. Ashish Dixit, AD ESIC, Mr. Ravinder Singh, DD ESIC, Mr. Harish Sharma, ALC besides senior Labour Advocate Sh. SS Chauhan, Retd. Dy. Labour Commissioner who explained ID Act, IS&H, Factories Act, ESIC Act, EPF, Bonus Act, Gratuity Act, Apprenticeship Act, JJ Act.The Workshop Chairman Sh. A.N. Sharma supported by the learned faculty explained in detail provision of Factory Act/IDA and other acts which the employers are supposed to comply. Company should publish standing orders. Mr. J.P. Malhotra added that the best way to celebrate May Day is to educate and empower the executives with Labour Laws & Acts besides Law of Land.It was a great informative and interactive workshop which was attended by 32 participants drawn from various companies like Imperial Auto, KK Textiles, SSP Pvt. Ltd, Sai Packaging, Talbros, JS Industries, Securico Electronics, Mahindra, Defence Lands, Friends Club, Kartik Electronics, Bhartiya Valves, Bhavnish Metals, Ecotat, Avery India, Special Washers who gave a positive feedback on learnings and take aways from the Workshop.