faridabad(standard news) Charter President and Director Vocational Services of Rotary Club Faridabad Mid-Town presented a Bill Board of “4-Way Test” to Sh. Amardeep Jain Jt. Commissioner MCF on 17.08.2016 as a part of spreading ethics and honest philosophy of Rotary International. 4 Way Test of the things we think, say or do-Is it the TRUTH?, Is it FAIR to all concerned?, Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?, Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? tells Rotarians to adhere to and promote high ethical standards in all their business dealings, recognise the worthiness of all useful occupations and contribute their professional expertise and skills to addressing societal problems and needs. We share responsibility for promoting vocational service. According to Rtn. J.P. Malhotra, the Four-Way Test was conceived in 1932 by Herbert J. Taylor, a member of the Rotary Club of Chicago who served as the 1954-55 president of Rotary International. Having been assigned the task of saving a company from bankruptcy, Taylor developed the test as an ethical guide to follow in all business matters. The company’s survival was credited to this simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary International in 1934, The Four-Way Test remains an essential standard against which Rotarians measure ethical behaviour. The test has been translated into dozens of languages and promoted by Rotarians worldwide.Rotary Club of Faridabad Mid-Town has plans to spread this message of ethical working to Faridabad Fraternity and in Govt. offices, Police Stations, Banks, Railway Stations and other public places with the aim to enhance the respect of ethical working. Among those present were S/Sh. J.P. Singh, K.K. Narula, SDO Padam Kumar.According to Rtn. Sudhr K. Jaini, President Rotary Club of Faridabad Mid Town, in addition to above, the Club will felicitate personalities for their Vocational Service excellence in near future. It could be a Policeman, a Staff Nurse or an Office Executive or a Govt. Servant.